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Friday, July 26, 2024

Douro-Dummer Library to get new Roof


A decision has been made and the new roof on the Douro-Dummer library located at 435 Douro 4th Line will receive a steel roof rather than the shingles originally suggested.

A report was brought forth at the June 18 regular council meeting by then acting CAO Martina Chait-Hartwig. The report outlined the issues with the roof at the library and steps taken to lessen the impact.

A request for quotes was sent out for a shingle roof and three roofers inspected the job with two submitting quotes which ranged from $14,500 to $14,650.

Councillor Ray Johnston asked if they had considered a steel roof over shingles as it would last longer.

Deputy mayor Harold Nelson tabled a motion suggesting the township put out a tender on a steel roof rather than shingles and councillor Adam Vervoort added that they garner all the information as soon as possible and hold a special council meeting so that they can make a decision.

The motion passed and a special meeting was held on Tuesday morning to address the roofing issue.

Councillor Ray Johnston left the meeting due to conflict of interest.

Treasurer Paul Creamer presented a report outlining the process and let council know that through the quoting process they garnered five quotes ranging from $19,500.00 to $34,850.00 with Ray Johnston & Sons being the low bid and Stoney Lake Construction the high bid.

Creamer told council that all who quoted ticked all the boxes and were within the scope of the job.

The reccomendation was to follow township policy in this case and offer the job to the lowest bidder.

Vervoort asked Creamer what Haeden Moher’s main business was as he came in with the second lowest bid at $20,353.98.

Mayor Heather Watson questioned why two bids are so much lower than the rest and also asked if Creamer could explain the difference between the quoting process and the Request for Proposals (RFP) process.

Creamer responded that he could not speak to how the vendors came up with their price, but explained that an RFP is not required unless the project is $50,000. He also said that the quoting process allowed the township to reach out to more local businesses for the job. An RFP is a little more open  and gives the township less control over who might respond.

Councillor Tom Watt moved that council follow the recommendation and give the work to Ray Johnston & Sons, but could not find a seconder.

Vervoort moved that council approve Haeden Moher as his main business is construction and carpentry while Johnston & Sons is in the HVAC business and the prices are close.

The motion passed.