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Weekly Independent Local News
Friday, September 6, 2024


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Trent Lakes Council asked to improve safety


Limited cycling infrastructure in and around Buckhorn is creating a barrier for individuals to walk and cycle in the hamlet according to Karen Shearer of Citizens for Alternative Transportation in and around Trent Lakes (CATTL).

Shearer told Trent Lakes council that although Peterborough County is responsible for most of the connecting roads in the municipality, council could initiate work with the county to create active transportation infrastructure along county roads.

“There are opportunities to coordinate county road projects with cycling/pedestrian/accessibility requests,” she said.

Shearer suggested a number of actions that could improve safety including painting path guideline edges across parking lots, put in crosswalk markings at the four way ...

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The Wilford family was honoured with a plaque at the Douglas Ball Diamond on Thursday Aug. 29 in Lakefield. The Wilford’s have dedicated much of their time into building and creating a new ball diamond at the Lakefield public school. They also have spent many hour coaching and encouraging youth to get into the sport over the years.
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Integrity Commissioner investigates two members of Douro-Dummer Council


Two members of the Douro-Dummer municipal council were under investigation by the Integrity Commissioner and the results of these investigations were made public in the Douro-Dummer and Peterborough County council agendas for this week’s meetings.

The municipal act states that municipalities establish codes of conduct for Council and local boards. In August of 2020 the township of Douro-Dummer passed a bylaw appointing Cunningham Swan Carty Little & Bonham LLP as the Township’s Integrity Commissioner.

Mr. Tony Fleming is the member of Cunningham Swan who provides the service of the Integrity Commissioner for the municipality.

The complaint levied at both councillors were under the following provisions of the Code of Conduct:

11. No Member shall harass any other member, any staff, or any member of the public.“Harassment” or “harass” involves engaging in a course of behavior, comment or conduct, whether it occurs inside or outside the work environment, that is or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.

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Two local athletes chosen to receive grant for Olympic training


Two local athletes have been chosen to receive a grant from Petro Canada to aid them in their goal of participating in the Olympics.

Archer Amelia Gagné and her coach Jess Ashton were selected this year for the Petro-Canada FACE (Fuelling Athlete and Coaching Excellence) grant in the archery division.

According to a press release sent out last week, the duo were chosen in a group of 55 up-and-coming athletes in different divisions and are hopeful to represent Canada at the Olympics.

Ashton has been coaching Gagné since 2023 but the pair have been shooting together for over 10 years.

Ashton explained that the grant process was through the National Sport Organization (NSO), Archery Canada.

“Every year they (NSO) get to nominate athlete and coach pairs for the grant. This year, Archery Canada was able to nominate two athlete and coach pairs, and we were one of the pairs selected..."

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Canada Revenue Agency Scam Alert Notice

Trent Lakes 2025 budget schedule

Water Street Reconstruction Update

Lakefield Historical Society  hosts Presentation  regarding Nine Ships 1825 – Peter Robinson Irish Emigration Bicentennial

Link available for Curve Lake Pow Wow

Lakefield Community Children’s Chorus is back for another season

Ontario Students Going Back-to-Basics with Fewer Distractions This Fall

United Way Partners with Cogeco to provide more than 450 “Backpacks for Success” locally

Swing into Action at the Annual Rotary Fore the Kids Golf Fundraiser

Kevin T. Heffernan

Kawartha Wild

Editorial by Terry McQuitty

Accidental Columnist by Marnie Clement

Lakefield Historical Society by Michael Chappell

Book Review by Barry Mutter

@yourlibrary by Kacie Gardiner

Mature Living by Terri Williams Kinghorn

Golden Years Club Update



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"Unheralded" the Documentary

This short documentary is a portrait of a tiny town, Lakefield, Ontario, and its independent weekly, the Herald. Across North America, newspapers are dying, but in Lakefield, Terry McQuitty, the town paper’s publisher, carries on a rich, 150-year-old tradition. Set to the pace of small-town life, Unheralded is a testament to the vital role newspapers can still play, and the close bond between reporter and reader.

Aaron Hancox   2011
Link to full doc provided by the National Film Board of Canada